Strang Lecture 17: Orthogonal Matrices and Gram-Schmidt
Orthogonal basis
- Orthonormal vectors:
Each vector is a unit vector (i.e. has length one).
A set of orthonormal vectors is also a set of independent vectors.
Orthonormal vectors make calculations nice, a lot of linear algebra in practice is built around them.
Matrix with orthonormal columns
- A matrix with an orthonormal columns (each column is independent and has length 1):
Note that \(Q^TQ=I\).
- If a matrix with orthonormal columns is square, then we call it an orthogonal
- Then \(Q^TQ=I\) tells us \(Q^T=Q^{-1}\)
- An example is a permutation matrix
Adhemar (sp?) matrices are matrices of 1s and -1s that are orthogonal. We know they exist for some sizes (e.g. 2x2, 4x4, 16x16, 64x64) but we don’t know in general which sizes allow for this.
“The punishing thing about Gram-Schmidt is that we always run into square roots”
Why do we want orthonormal matrices? What calculation is made easier?
- Suppose \(Q\) has orthonormal columns. Project onto its column space.
If you have a square \(Q\), then because of the orthonormal columns, then the matrix is full rank and any \(b\) will be in the column space and thus \(QQ^T = I\)
- Two properties of any projection matrix:
- It’s symmetric
- And \((QQ^T)(QQ^T) = QQ^T\)
- Remember \(A^TA\hat{x}=A^Tb\), with orthogonal \(Q\):
Start with independent vectors and turn them into an orthonormal basis.
- Given independent vectors \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\), what’s an orthonormal
basis (\(q_1\), \(q_2\), \(q_3\)) for the space they span?
- First, get orthogonal vectors \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\)
- Second, get orthonormal vectors \(q_1=\frac{A}{\lvert \lvert A\rvert\rvert}\), \(q_2=\frac{B}{\lvert \lvert B\rvert\rvert}\), and \(q_2=\frac{C}{\lvert \lvert C\rvert\rvert}\),
Idea: keep \(a\) and then project \(b\) onto an orthogonal subspace and then do the same for \(c\) with respect to \(a\) and \(b\). Essentially we’re interested in the error component of the projection of \(b\) onto \(a\).
- For \(B\):
- For \(C\):
You can think of (for example) \(\frac{A^Tc}{A^TA}A\) as the component of \(c\) in the \(a\) direction that we’re subtracting off.
Works through a numerical example starting at 38:15.
The column space of \(A\) and its orthonormal \(Q\) calculated via Gram-Schmidt is the same.
\(A=QR\) is the magic formula expressing Gram-Schmidt (similar to \(A=LU\) we saw earlier).
- \(R\) is upper triangular.
- Note \(a_1^Tq_2=0\) because the later \(q\)’s are perpendicular to all the earlier vectors.