Schema Networks: Zero-shot Transfer with a Generative Causal Model of Intuitive Physics (2017)
Examines transfer learning using the game of Breakout as an example. Current state-of-the-art RL techniques can learn to play Breakout very well. However, minor modifications to the game rules (e.g. changing size or shape of paddle, changing how the bricks react) to which humans can easily adapt will break deep neural net based agents.
Techniques like model-free DQN make no assumption about the domain. This makes it useful for one off tasks but it can overfit the particulars of the domain and limit its ability to generalize to closely related (in human terms) domains. Object-based and relational representations have been explored to address this limitation. This paper throws causality into the mix by introducing Schema Networks – a generative model for object-oriented reinforcement learning and planning.
NOTE: they mention reasoning backward from an objective in order to plan. Very similar to one of the heuristics in the RAND paper.
NOTE: might want to explore more from the related work section
The basics of their model is that there are entities (e.g. objects parsed from an image input), each of these entities have attributes and each of the attributes have a value. Then there are schemas which capture the relationship between entities, entity attributes, actions, and rewards over time. An example of this is Entity 1’s position attribute at timestep 5 may be predicated on Entity 1’s position attribute at timestep 4 and taking the “UP” action.
They distinguish between ungrounded schema and grounded schema. An ungrounded schema is a template that expresses a relationship (e.g. action “UP” on an entity will increase its position attribute), and a grounded schema is a particular instantiation of an ungrounded (e.g. action “UP” on Entity 1 will increase its position attribute to 5).
They then extend the standard MDP formalism so that a given state simply consists of the set of all entities and their particular attribute values. Then schemas can be placed upon all the attributes in the entities in a given state to predict their next values. Each schema is a set of AND’d preconditions. And each attribute value can be predicted by multiple schema OR’d together. The OR-ing of multiple schemas allow explicit reasoning about multiple causation.
- TODO: lookup object-oriented MDPs and relational MDPs
Now, we must figure out how to learn a schema network and then use it for planning.
There is some magic pre-processing that picks out entities. Then they represent the current state using a neighbor-based algorithm (seemingly to capture entities which are nearby each other). They use epsilon-greedy exploration algorithm.
To learn the structure of the Schema Network, they “cast the problem as a supervised learning problem over a discrete space of parameterizations (the schemas), and then apply a greedy algorithm that solves a sequence of LP relaxations.” This seems like a probably-well-understood method of learning. A key balance they’re trying to strike is to both minimize prediction error WHILE minimizing the complexity of the schema network. The general problem is NP-hard, so they use a greedy approximation method to generate a solution.
Once they learn a Schema Network, they then use it for planning to get to a desired state (e.g. collect positive rewards, avoid negative rewards). They do this by (roughly):
- Working forward in their model for T time steps to figure out reachable states.
- Choosing the reachable state with the best reward.
- Backtracking to confirm its the chosen state’s reachability and discover the set of actions that will maximize the chance of reaching that state.
They then compare Schema Networks to A3C and Progressive Networks (PNs) on several variations of Breakout. They show that Schema Networks transfer their learning much faster than A3C or PNs to different variants of Breakout. They then show that Schema Networks can adapt to variants of the game (that exhibit the same dynamics) much better than A3C or PNs (e.g. when paddle is offset by N pixels) in a zero-shot setting (i.e. train only on regular breakout and then have it play the variant).
From the conclusion: “Instead of learning policies to maximize rewards, the learning objective for Schema Networks is designed to understand causality within these environments. The fact that Schema Networks are able to achieve rewards more efficiently than state-of-the-art model-free methods like A3C is all the more notable, since high scores are a byproduct of learning an accurate model of the game.”
THOUGHTS: Interesting whirlwind tour of the PGM world and how one might try to learn higher-level models. Don’t have enough background to evaluate how novel or effective this particular technique is, but seems promising from their results. A lot of pointers to work worth following up on (e.g. OO-MDPs, PGMs in general, MAP/MBPB, planning, etc)